2019-06 SAP UI5 & Fiori Convention

This convention was facilitated by SAP Israel, ALTERNO.IO – SAP UI5 & Fiori experts – and John Bryce an SAP training partner. Actually, it was quite a technical review. So, I found out SAP UI5 is really a set of tools, a complete development ecosystem which continues to evolve rapidly. This is the 3rd generation of SAP UI.

As a functional consultant – important tip is that we now have 2 new expertise involved with making the new SAP UI, namely UX and UI guys, on top of the content developer.

We are not only thinking about how a screen should look like but rather on complete user experience with mobile devices on top of PC’s, responsive screens, graphics, animation est.

These new capabilities enable users, with little and sometimes with no training, who typically own smartphones, to perform SAP tasks.

This is a huge resolution which enables cheap and immediate access to SAP to all companies stuff using their own smartphones!

This may and should be translated to a leap in productivity!

Thus, this a new ball game. And we better start playing….


Always informed about the latest macroeconomic trends, newest technologies, and SAP most innovative offerings!
The following posts describe attended conventions and various meetings about SAP innovative product lines. Such as Hana, PA, new SCM, Industry 4.0 and industry related conventions about AI, ML, DL, cloud, IOT, 3D manufacturing est.

2019-02 SAP – Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Convention

You probably wondered, at one time or another, where the name SAP came from or what does it mean. Since this name doesn’t work so nice in English. I know how SAP feels as my surname is not such a great choice for the English speaking world either…
If you asked someone from SAP he/she probably said something like Systems and Applications. As an SAP veteran, I have heard some less nice acronyms, but I’m not going to share them with you today…

Anyone who attended SAP events knows very well that SAP always serves high-quality and versatile food offering. And for me, after a few weeks of dieting everything was especially delicious! (though I am proposing to apply this method to other areas in life, say, sex!)
Therefore, I would like to suggest a new acronym for SAP: Sweet and Plenty!

Anyway, enough with the chitchat…

On last Wednesday Feb-20-2019, I have attended a very nice Convention @ SAP Israel about EPPM – Enterprise Project Portfolio Management.
Actually, I have participated in a very successful E2E Big-Bang SAP project at IAI (Israel Aerospace Industries) as a lead SCM PP consultant, and later on, as an MRO consultant.

This project was really like implementing 10 different businesses in the Aerospace and Defense arena, as IAI deals with so many lines of businesses. It was a complex and very interesting assignment from which I learned quite a bit!

Therefore, it was very nice to learn about all the new features. A completely new world of project management in SAP. I would suggest to anyone using PS to review this solution.

Highlights vs. PS:

  • User-friendly ( PS on its own, is terrible! Project Managers hate it)
  • Able to manage a portfolio of projects rather than one project.
  • Complete Project Cycle management
  • Collaboration

I couldn’t help thinking how easy it would have made our lives, 11 – 14 years ago, to have all these new features available. We had struggled with the PS module and develop lots of stuff to overcome shortcomings – which are now history.
We must have invested 75% of the total custom code, and 90% of discussions on this issue! Some guys from IAI attended too, and it was nice to reminisce about on the good old times…

Looking forward to the next event!

Mr. Renato Zadro – EPPM SAP Solution Owner presentation

Mr. Renato Zadro - EPPM SAP Solution Owner presentation

2019-01 Cyber – Protecting SAP environments in your organization


Once, ERP systems were considered “closed”.

Not anymore !

Today it is clear that these are connected to the Internet and many other business partners, and others such as suppliers that provide remote support est.

Therefore, we must consider and build appropriate defenses.

Since SAP is so widely used in Israel by defense related organizations, national infrastructure organizations and large private
organizations – the Israeli National Cyber Center department is working with SAP Israel on this important issue.

2018-12, IMPACT LABS TEL AVIV (3D MFG), Co-op with WeWork

The first laboratory of its kind in the world.
Impacts Labs receives many worldwide visitors.
Impacts Labs has 3D printers for different applications, different materials, different colors.
Anyone can come to the lab with a requirement, and get advice about a suitable printer, materials, and manufacturing process.
There is a non-profit activity of working with disabled people to make custom-made personal solutions. This initiative started in Israel and today there are 15 centers in the world.

Impacts Labs offers custom workshops for various organizations

The 3D model fits the resource sharing cconcept.
Impacts Labs’ price list makes it easy to process orders and produce without overheads of purchasing.

Home Printers
An integrated printer with heads, on each head, a material/color combination to manufacture a product from several materials/colors.

Printers metal-plastic
Metal printers work usually with metal powder. There are also
Metal printers who works by heating the metal

Typical Use Cases Today:
– Prototype manufacturing
– Small production quantities manufacturing
– Lighter parts manufacturing: parts for aircraft that can sometimes be produced lighter (because due to physical constraints, using CNC will mean that the part will be heavier)
– Models for freelancers

Opportunities and Dreams:

Food printing: Pizza, meat – already possible, should become a mass product …

Organ printing – now in research

Mass customization:
Production of automobile bodies
Textile: Manufacturing according to a person size.
Electronics: LCD production (production today is very polluting)

Production of items that react to the environment. For example, a product that folds in contact with water or heat

Threats: Sensitive to hacking. can also disrupt the printer job because it is controlled by a computer and needs internet access.

Atomic-level printing / nanotechnology. Such as Nano-Dimension